On June 22nd of this year, Father Oliveira shared with me that, for months, he has had a strong intuition that the next great war would begin after a declaration from France. Without having shared this information with anyone, I was told on the same day, at an event in São Paulo, that a Canadian priest¹ had just prophesied practically the same thing: that France would declare war on Russia and this would mark the beginning of World War III.
I then commented on this to the Northeastern Nun, as, in August of the previous year, she had received a revelation from Our Lord stating that the beginning of the third great war on a large scale would come after an explosion in Poland. That prophecy had been announced as follows:
"In the city of Sol², Poland, a dangerous device will explode. This will cause other nations to join the war. Some will do so because they will be directly affected, while others will fight on behalf of their allies."
On July 1st, while she was adoring the Blessed Sacrament, the nun prayed and meditated on the beginning of the conflict, asking the Lord to show her His truth. Like a breath, a phrase came into her mind that, according to her, did not sound like a voice but a memory:
"In the past, France also declared war after the invasion of Poland."
She then checked the information and, indeed, the event had occurred on September 3, 1939, at the beginning of World War II. This caught her attention, as Father Oliveira had also commented to her about an intuition that conflicts would escalate in September or, at the latest, October.
The following day, during Mass, the nun felt particularly moved by the verse that says:
"For the Lord God does nothing without revealing his secret to his servants the prophets." (Amos 3:7)
Two days later, on July 4th, while praying, her angel told her:
"Poland is the last barrier. If it falls, the prophecy that says Russia will march upon Europe will be fulfilled."
This phrase refers to a prophecy made by Blessed Elena Aiello.
It seems to me, therefore, that there are elements of the Third World War that will be repetitions of the Second, as if God were showing us that we continue to make the same mistakes and, consequently, deserve the same punishments.
Let us pray for peace in the world and the conversion of nations, for the time of the fulfillment of the prophecies has come.
¹ Father Michel Rodrigue
² Or "city of the Sun"
Translated by Getúlio Holanda Almeida