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Writer's pictureLucas Gelásio

The Illumination of Conscience (May 12, 2023)

I recently published that the Northeastern Nun had seen what would come after the Three Days of Darkness: a manifestation of Jesus in the sky. While she was receiving the revelation, she experienced in advance the phenomenon of the illumination of conscience, which we will all experience in the future.

She saw, mystically, all her faults, from the time she reached the use of reason until that present day, from the smallest to the greatest. It was an intellectual vision, with clear and literal images. It was as if a film were playing in her mind.

She realized that if she died at that moment, she would not go directly to Heaven, because there were aspects of her that needed to be purified. She understood the real feelings and intentions she had when she committed each sin, both those she had committed with full knowledge of the wrong, and those she had committed out of weakness of soul or lack of mortification.

She also felt a deep contrition and sorrow, such as she had never felt before, leading her to cry for days. She was not crying out of simple external emotion, but her tears had deep roots: they flowed from the sadness of her own soul. The pain of knowing that she had offended God, whom she loved so much, made her want to die before offending Him again. She felt a crushing weight, as if the weight of her sins was constantly upon her. She remembered David's expression in Psalm 50: "My sin is always before me."

She saw herself as God sees her. She became aware of who she really is, breaking down all the false image that humans are accustomed to creating.

Today, in every act of contrition, examination of conscience, and confession she makes, she has a greater awareness of her faults, the gravity of her sins, and the punishments caused by them, which she constantly seeks to repair. The clarity of her condition as a sinner remained with her.

What gave her strength not to despair of salvation was the permanent memory of the Crucified Christ seen in the sky. That vision imprinted on her heart a deep trust in the infinite divine mercy. If she had not seen Him in that way, she could not have seen herself, nor known so clearly the mercy of God.

I will speak, in the sequence, of a revelation that she had a few days later, in which the meaning of this manifestation of Jesus in the sky was explained.

Translated by Getúlio Holanda Almeida

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