On the morning of July 28, 2024, a Sunday, the Northeastern Nun had a vision. She saw a large and imposing church. Its towers had empty spaces, its color was a grayish white, its style was Gothic and medieval. The temple trembled greatly, until one of its towers began to collapse. The entire scene was viewed from an angle that showed the back of the church. When the vision ended, she heard: "Reims Cathedral." This temple is located in France.
I recently published a revelation from the same nun, in which Our Lord announced that, because there is a war against His Church, there would be a war in the world.
We all saw, on Friday, July 26, 2024, in Paris, an attack against Catholicism being broadcast to the whole world. In the vision of the future years that Father Oliveira had in March 2020, he saw that, in 2024, the world would watch, on television, the horrors of a war. The nature of the conflict he saw, however, was not clear to him:
At that moment, the globe spun and I saw the numbers 2023 and 2024. Then I only saw war. I saw people watching scenes of war on television.
I asked myself: "Will the world see the horrors of a war in 2024? Will this appear on television? Or will it be a conflict that we will only witness, not being physical?"
The certainty of a conflict seemed clear to me, but the nature of it was not.
A day after the attack on the Church, Paris suffered a blackout. The only place that remained luminous, in the midst of darkness, was the Basilica of the Sacred Heart. It is impossible not to be impressed by the symbolism of the scene.
The French Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque (1640-1690) received a revelation similar to the scene in Paris. In the book "Revelations of the Sacred Heart to Blessed Margaret Mary and the history of her life," p. 232, it was recorded:
“Sometimes, Margaret Mary saw cold souls, frozen souls, approaching that furnace [which was the Heart of Jesus]; and, when they were about to warm themselves, suddenly and foolishly, they turned away and lost themselves in darkness. She saw others approaching the Heart of Jesus, cold, atrophied, and deformed. As they approached, they were illuminated and inflamed, and ended up losing themselves in it like sparks in a furnace.”
In this passage, we see how the Sacred Heart is the light that illuminates and warms us in times of darkness. Let us repair the Heart of Jesus, offended by so many attacks, through prayer and penance.
Let us pray for France.
Translated by Getúlio Holanda Almeida