On December 10, 2023, the Northeastern Nun was praying, asking Our Lord to break her heart and remove from it everything that did not come from God, when she had a vision.
She saw a large church made of crystal. It was all cracked with small fissures that spread from the base to the ceiling. It seemed that, at any moment, everything would shatter. Inside the church, in the pews, several people were seated. They did not notice that the temple was breaking. Only a few began to notice.
The nun did not understand the vision and asked the Lord if it was related to the prayer she was making, in which she asked that her heart be broken. She heard the answer:
“No, My daughter, it is not about your prayer. Look no more at yourself. It is about My Church. See: it is made of a purest and immaculate crystal. Therefore, the rays of My love, mercy, and justice descend upon it and, passing through this crystal, radiate to all My children. See: they want to destroy it from within.”
The vision became clearer and new details were revealed. Some men and women had chisels and hammers in their hands. Although the people seemed tiny in comparison to the grandeur of the church, they were able, with small and insistent blows, to pierce the walls of the temple, which cracked along its entire structure.
“When I allow My Church to apparently collapse,” the Lord continued, “its enemies will try to rebuild it. However, it will have no beauty and will be full of cracks. Through it, the rays of My love and My mercy will no longer pass, for only the one who created it can rebuild it with all its splendor and perfection. But do not be afraid: this false church will not last long. I Myself will come to destroy it with the power of My Cross, and I will rebuild My Church!”
After the revelation, the Nun lived several months of spiritual trials, and divine consolation only came when she prayed for other people.
Let us not be the destroyers of the Church who overshadow the graces of God, nor those who do not perceive the blows it suffers. Let us pray for divine help, so that the Lord will soon come to restore His Church, and it will triumph again!
Translated by Getúlio Holanda Almeida