On the night of May 16, 2023, the Northeastern Nun had a very significant dream. The first part of it dealt with an intimate matter of her soul, revealing aspects of herself that needed improvement.
At one point in the dream, the nun was sitting in a beautiful church when someone came and handed her a piece of paper on which was written: "I saw when you went through..." and continued commenting on successive episodes of her life. At the end, it said: "I know all this because I am a Cherub and I am here to reveal to you..." Before she finished reading the sentence, the nun woke up.
The next morning, while kneeling in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, she meditated on the locution she had received on May 15, 2023. She recalled, in particular, the part where the Lord had said that if He came definitively at this time, many would be condemned.
While meditating, an angel appeared and approached her. It was not her guardian angel. She did not have the same feeling of familiarity, but it inspired fear and reverence. The angel had a radiant face, so that sometimes it was difficult to look at him. He carried a flame of fire in his hand. He touched the nun's forehead with it and then deposited it in her heart.
When her mind was touched, the nun felt her understanding expanding. It was as if before she had seen things in a hazy way, but now she understood them clearly. When the flame was deposited in her heart, the nun felt as if she were going to die. The pain was immense, her heart seemed to burn in the fire. The angel said:
— Understand well this prophecy and what has been revealed to you. After those days of battles, many will perish, but evil will not be extinct from the earth. It will survive in the shadows and humanity will have its time of peace. But when men begin to forget the Sign of Mercy of their Lord, then evil will resurface and pervert many hearts. At that time, however, grace will rise in the hearts of the faithful. Many will be converted, the Gospel will be known to all hearts, and the children of Light will wage a battle against the children of darkness. This battle will be primarily spiritual. Then your Lord will come with power and great glory, no longer crucified. Those who have remained in Him will sing an immense song of joy, while those who have not remained in Him will be condemned forever. Therefore, take advantage of God's time of mercy, for when the time of justice comes, the Lord will come to do His judgment.
After the revelation, the pain in the nun's heart lasted for another hour. Her feeling, however, was one of immense peace, and this lasted longer.
Cherubim are messengers of divine mysteries and transmit wisdom to men. However, they do not usually communicate directly with us. The angels of the first hierarchy, like them, pass missions to those of lower hierarchy. In the dream that anticipated the revelation, a messenger brought the message of the cherub. Therefore, after a time of discernment, we interpreted that the angel who brought the flame and the revelation was not himself the cherub, but his messenger, with the mission of transmitting to the nun what was entrusted to him.
The revelation teaches us that there will be a time of peace after the Great Chastisement, in which evil will be subdued to the shadows. However, this triumph will not yet be the general resurrection. At the end of this time, a new battle will come, and this will be ended with the definitive return of Christ as judge of all Creation.
The time of peace will be the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart. Saint Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort prophesied that, just as the Word came into the world through the Virgin, the Kingdom of Jesus Christ will come through the Kingdom of Mary.