During adoration on September 21, 2023, the Northeastern Nun received three interior locutions:
"Poland acts out of vengeance and not justice. Therefore, it will suffer greatly."
"Germany will suffer the punishment of the apostate nations; it will corrupt the world."
"Putin will suffer greatly, it is almost impossible to save himself."
The religious woman went through difficult trials in early October: the devil accused her of deluding people. Around October 9, she prayed before the Blessed Sacrament, asking the Lord to show her if it was indeed all a mistake, because Poland seemed very Catholic to her and would have no reason to be involved in a great conflict, as she had heard in the locution of the morning of August 8. In response, she received another locution:
"On the 13th, I will give you a sign that it was I who spoke to you that morning. On the 14th, you will see concrete proof that Poland is no longer the same."
On the afternoon of October 13, after praying the rosary, the nun saw a sign in the sun, whose brightness weakened and could be observed, without difficulty, with the naked eye. For about 10 minutes, the sun seemed to spin and contort, sometimes emitting a great brightness that did not dazzle the sight and soon returning to shine softly. After the sign ended, the nun felt that the Lord had shown her that He was with her, even during her anguish.
Two news stories about Poland on October 14 confirmed the revelation: a suicide bomber threatened to blow himself up in Warsaw and a crowd demonstrated in support of Hamas in Krakow.