On September 11th, while praying the Rosary of Tears, the Northeastern Nun had a vision of children being arrested. Some were being forcibly taken from their parents' arms. Subsequently, she saw a white church. There was a tower in it, and at the top of this tower, a cross.
Not understanding the vision, she continued to pray. Then the date September 15th came to her mind. She asked if the revelation was about the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows. She heard in response: "On that day, a tear from My Mother will fall upon humanity." The nun asked again: "Also in Brazil?" In response, she heard: "No, not in Brazil."
She continued praying and heard the locution: "In Bahia, there will be great sorrow because of organized crime. In Pernambuco, a man will defeat a great evil. In Paraíba, a very pure faith will flourish because of a bishop." At that moment, she had the vision of the white church again and understood that it was a symbol of this pure faith.”
On September 15th, a large rain flooded eight countries in Europe, and the nun understood that this was what the revelation about the date referred to.
We can understand this symbolism in light of another revelation, from June 12th, in which the nun saw a heavy rain whose water was composed of the tears of Our Lady. The recent floods have shown us, therefore, the sadness of the Mother of God for the sins of humanity.
Many people seek me out so that I can pass their prayer requests on to Fr. Oliveira and the Northeastern Nun. On the night of September 18th, in a live broadcast on the Grupo Y'shua channel, I suggested to the listeners that, in prayer, they entrust their intentions to their guardian angels, asking them to take them to the intercessors, without needing to go through me. Several mystics used to receive prayers like this.
On September 20th, while praying, the Northeastern Nun, who had not watched the live broadcast, had a vision in which there was a line of people approaching her. All of them were with their guardian angels. The angels passed on to the nun each person's prayer requests. The first in line was a mother, who was holding out a sick girl. The nun felt very moved by the vision.
Let us pray for the children, for the world, and for Brazil, trusting in the powerful help of our guardian angel.