On September 10th, 2023, Our Lord Jesus Christ appeared to the Northeastern Nun while she was in adoration. He had a happy expression. He brought her close to His Sacred Heart and, after a brief silence, said to her:
"Daughter, today this people has given Me great joy. Tell Lucas this. I am very happy with this land of Mine, with My people, because here there is a remnant that prays very much. Tell him that if My people continue to pray and offer sacrifices united with My Mother, everything can be different, everything can change. After much pain that I have found here, today I have great joy with My people. Tell Lucas this, tell him that today I am very happy."
A few days later, we learned that, on that day, the Desperta Brasil event had taken place, where more than 40,000 Catholics had gathered to pray from 6 am to 10 pm, with preaching, the rosary, Mass, and adoration. One of the priests preaching at the event is my friend. I contacted him and told him about this revelation, congratulating everyone.
In the book The Marvelous Efficacy of the Holy Rosary, Saint Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort comments on how much God loves meetings and promises to be present at them. He teaches that, in groups, the prayers of each person become common to the others, making up for the shortcomings of those who are not praying well. In addition, the person who prays accompanied does not only pray their own prayer, but also that of the others. If there are 20 people praying the rosary, each one will have the merit of 20 rosaries. This means that, in a group, the merits of prayers are not added, but multiplied.
Saint Louis also comments that, when it comes to appeasing God's wrath, public prayer is more powerful than private prayer. Public rosaries were fundamental to the victories in the Battle of Lepanto, La Rochelle, among others.
Therefore, I invite everyone to organize groups to pray the rosary publicly, in some symbolic place, asking God to have mercy on Brazil during the tribulation. That, hearing our supplications, the Lord may send His most beloved mother to our aid. And that our prayers may make Him even happier with His land, the Land of the Holy Cross.
Translated by Getúlio Holanda Almeida